Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Assignment 10

Morgan Bayda and Dan Brown's An Open Letter To Educators

Ms. Bayda's post and Dan Brown's video both were very interesting and I can definitely relate to them. I also find it very miserable and exhausting to sit through all these lecture classes that last hours. It is extremely hard to stay focused for the entire time. The school systems really need to start understanding that the world is changing and new technology is always being developed and learn to adapt with it. I am definitely in favor of using all the technology possible in the classroom if that is what is necessary for students to learn and stay focused.

Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home

I really liked this post because it shows how a lot of people look at the test scores and research without really even thinking about it critically. I like how he focused on how to solve the problem. It was a great post.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

Whats my sentence?

Since I want to be a coach in the future I would have to say my sentence is "I will do everything in my power to help young children grow into well rounded and successful adults and to help them achieve their goals."

Was I better today than yesterday?

I think that to get better everyday should be the goal for everyone, but I am not sure that everyone can get better every single day because everyone has bad days. Overall, I do think I am getting better than I was in the past. This is a question that I do need to start asking myself everyday if I want to be great at what I do.

1 comment:

  1. Ryne,

    I agree that teachers need to start using different teaching strategies in the classroom. Lecture is important because the teacher can inform the students about a lot of things; however, it should also be combined with discussion or other strategies.

    I think your sentence is great; however, I disagree with your statement about getting better everyday. You said that people have bad days, but we can learn from these days and get better because of them. It is like what you said previously, we should look at the solution not the problem. The same goes in our everyday lives. When we have a bad day, we can focus on the positive things that did happen or can occur.
