Friday, November 19, 2010

Additional Assignment # 5

Just Teach Them to Solve for X

In this post he explains the use of metaphors. In his Math class he was having his students draw pictures and then having them explain it with metaphors. During this, another teacher came in and was arguing that using metaphors was basically pointless and it was only going to make it more confusing for the kids. The funny part was, the teacher was using metaphors to get his point across.

Sketchy Portraits: 8th Grade Identity and Pencils

In this post he is helping another teacher understand why her middle school students are acting like they are and misbehaving. To do this he uses a metaphor to explain how their life is turning gray instead of just always being black and white before. Things are changing in there life and they want to be treated like adults and kids at the same time. He tells the other teacher that she is living life in ink because she only see life in one permanent way, but he is living it in pencil because he can see both sides.

He Just Likes the Class for the Pencils

In this post he explains how he runs his classroom and how he allows freedom as long as the students are doing what is right, and also how he is strict if they are not. He also gives another example of a student that was acting out in other classes but was not in his. The other teachers said it was because he had all the resources and computers(Pencils) in his room. After the other teachers shamed both him and the student in the meeting the kid says I don't like your class just because of the "pencils." This shows how much respect and trust he has with his students and I hope some day I will have the same.

The Medium Shapes the Learning

In this post he talks about using new tools and technology to teach our lessons. His main focus was to show people that he "simply wants us to recognize that whatever tools we choose will reshape learning in ways that we often fail to recognize."

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