Monday, November 29, 2010

C4T # 4

I Tossed My Teachers Desk

In this post Mr. Joe Bower explains why he decided to take his desk out of the classroom and how he will know when it was a successful decision.
I commented that I do not remember ever being in a classroom without a teachers desk when I was growing up. I also liked when he said he will know it was a success if when he sits down by a student and they act like nothing changed. I told him how I remembered always being nervous when my teachers sat by me or came and watched me do my work.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

In this post Mr. Bower is reading Paulo Freire's book The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. He explains the concern of what Friere calls the banking concept in education and how teachers need to change the way they are teaching.
I commented that I can relate to the banking concept because the majority of my proffessors just lecture through a powerpoint presentation, and as students we just memorize the facts the night before the test and then forget them the next day.

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